
September 8, 2008

Someone's getting married...

My eldest son called me the other day from Miami. He wanted to know what I was up to this coming Sunday and Monday... I explained that I normally work every Sunday and Monday, but asked him why...

It appears my step-daughter (2nd wife's daughter from previous marriage) is getting married this weekend in Richmond. My oldest son and his mom (my 1st wife) are coming up for the event...

I guess to most of my gay friends, it seems odd that my first and second wives actually get along well. As a blended family, there were always events that overlapped and had to include family members from the "other side"... We were all fortunate enough to get along very well. As a matter of fact, my first wife's mom and I are still good friends to this day!

Growing up, I always reminded my step-daughter that I was not her Dad. Her father played a very active roll in her life and I was never going to even suggest that I replaced him. After her mom and I split up, a wall went up between us (I understood the "side" she had to take). I am hopeful that her dad is making the trip from Miami for his only child's wedding, as I was not invited (understandably so)...

Anyway! I haven't seen my oldest for a few years. He has always been very supportive of me and I plan on making the time to see him and his mom this weekend!

Over and "Out", for today... From Chesapeake, VA


manxxman said...

Good on you. I'm glad your son made the call. Have a good visit.

Geoff said...

Blended families have their own dynamics...(I'm from one too), I think it's very cool your ex wives get along. Great post!

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