
January 7, 2011

I'm an INTP on the MBTI... Just an FYI...

I saw a reference to the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) over at Rob's blog Below the Radar and had to try an informal version of it on myself. This is what I got:

You are an INTP...

For INTPs the driving force in their lives is to understand whatever phenomenon is the focus of their attention. They want to make sense of the world -- as a concept -- and they often enjoy opportunities to be creative.

INTPs are logical, analytical, and detached in their approach to the world; they naturally question and critique ideas and events as they strive for understanding.

INTPs usually have little need to control the outer world, or to bring order to it, and they often appear very flexible and adaptable in their lifestyle.

Want to try it? There are several places you can go on the web to take the real test (and pay for it) or take this free version (a self test) that mimics the MBTI. Make sure you follow the links after completing it.  It's interesting that it came very close to hitting the mark with me...

Over and "Out" from a day off in Portsmouth, VA


Anonymous said...

ENTJ here.

262mom said...

Happy New Year! I found your blog from Rambling/Kelly :) I like it!

Thomas (Tom) Rimington said...

Thanks for commenting truth and marathonmom...

Hugs to both!

Jim said...

I'm an ISFP

I think this is very interesting. I had some co-workers take this so we know and understand how we react to things differently

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