I guess I seem to bash Richmond sometimes. It is really not a terrible place to be or live. I think I will eventually have fewer and fewer good memories of it though.
I did a google search yesterday on the best places, for gay men over 50, to live. I was surprised. There are a number of counties in Florida (which I would never move back to), California (which I could never afford), and a sleepy little county in Massachusetts, on the cape... Barnstable... My brother has tried to convince me to move to the cape, he loves it there, and is convinced I would like it too. I have visited Cape Cod on several occasions, but always presumed it was Provencetown that was the gay friendly community. It seems I may have been mistaken.
I have convinced myself that the right thing to do is stay in Richmond until things settle down with my wife and kids here. Maybe until the fall of this year. It will have been a year since our separation in October. Things might be better then for all of us. Or perhaps not... Either way I am sure I will be happy where ever I am.. And, I will always do my best.
Oh, just a note, the first ex Mrs Rimington, Michele, starts chemo-therapy this week. It appears that I am attracted to women (or possibly contribute to it's cause) with the potential for breast cancer... My thoughts are with her, I know it's not easy to go through, especially alone. I wear two pink (Livestrong type) Awareness bracelets on my wrist... They represent the need to continue the research, the search for a cure, and for continued awareness of this horrible disease. I am always aware, I hope you find time to be as well...
How intuitive of you to see that you have contributed to - or caused - the breast cancer of your 2 ex wives.............
How is the "gay life" in Richmond. 60 years old and moving there next month
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