
May 18, 2006

Life is a funny and complicated thing here in Richmond... or should that be, life is a funny and complicated thing for me, here or anywhere?
Will, Grace, Karen, and "Just Jack" signed off after their final episode tonight. I think that most of us (gay men) found that our own lives were somewhat less complicated and more enjoyable after watching this group for the past 8 years... Who would have thought the writers would come up with Will's son marrying Grace's daughter? I watched the 4 actors on the Today Show this morning, why wasn't I surprised that they were just as real appearing in a talk show environment as they have been on their sit-com...
I had 2 wonderful days off, I spent a lot of time alone (not lonely) and some time with friends. It was a good mix, and I hope they had as good a time as I did. Even if the baked tomatoes sucked. Otherwise life is good in the river city, and who knows what the future holds...
That's all for now... Over and "Out"...

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